brand identity

design of site

Build of site


Site metrics and analytics, ongoing

Keyword optimisation

Stock Graphics


Professional Bathrooms

Professional bathroom needed a new website that used existing content,  re-worked to match the prestige nature of their brand.  Furthermore in this project we worked closely with internethealthsupport.com to meet SEO standards and needs for the site.

Additionally we adapted some back-end technologies to ensure that keywords were prominent on the site to ensure a high ranking.
The design had to have key elements “above the fold” of the site. Various Items that can be seen without the need to scroll down.  In light of this we had to get creative to ensure that all that information presented well in the smaller space. Another challenge we were happy to take.
The site also needed several new pages added, a review section, a blog and a large FAQ. 

Likewise key challenges here were ensuring that users could find information that they needed quickly. As a result we built in several “table of contents” areas around the FAQ. Resulting in 3 unique ways for the user to find the information that they need on the page. 

While interviewing the client, we discovered that on their previous site form submissions were very low. So we set about making the form experience more attractive. Thereby turning it into a dynamic questionnaire to help engagement and encourage users to submit completed information, this approach has already yielded results.

Professional bathrooms.com.au